Von Angela Danner, Leiterin der Zentralen Servicestelle Presse, Marketing und Kommunikation der Universität Bayreuth
Selecting a university, choosing a dissertation topic, pursuing friendships, arranging an internship, finding a place to study abroad, getting a well payed summer job, accepting an employment offer. There are numerous decision tasks in a student´s life to be made which have a big impact on the personal future. But how to do it properly? Is there a right way of decision making (with the effect of enhancing the quality of life) or is there a power of thinking without thinking and no need to put much effort in it?
This is the beginning of a scientific workshop on decision making, guided by PD Dr. Johannes Siebert (University of Bayreuth) in cooperation with Professor Dr. Ralph L. Keeney (Duke University, USA).
„Value focused decision making – How to be successful by thoughtful decision making?“ weiterlesen